Friday, March 8, 2013

4.1 Researching Resources

For my gendering resources website, I have chosen  CGHub. A community full of resources of today’s video game industry; where artists can network  about their careers, look for jobs , access to  information to new technologies and share their art work.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ethics of Character and Personality

Ethics of Character and Personality
Understanding these two branches of ethics, which that conform part of my self-development, will help me learn how to expand my artistic concepts to a new level of interaction. It will also help me to keep track of my objectives and goals, which will allow me to have more experience to obtain a higher end position in the job market in the near future. 

Ethics of Character
To me Ethics of Character is guide to know that I am on the right track to pursue my goals and dreams in the professional field of computer animation. It also helps me to set up goals to expand my designing techniques and concept development of my three-dimensional art to new horizons.
Ethics of Personality
Ethics of Personality helps me to constantly challenge myself as a human being with various tasks to develop and improve my sets of skills. This will allows me in a near future to meet and achieve my objectives with different types of social groups.


Overall in most of my work, I try to concentrate and analyze 3 mayor key points (concept development, visualization, and presentation or rendering). The problem that I see in my work as a 3d modeler, is that most of the 3d sculpts are lacking color, texturing, and their respective pipeline development.


Character Concept

Power Suit WIP

Head WIP

Vinyl Designs- Electrical Box

3d Logo-Architecture Company

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Car Concept

I made this Bugatti concept car. To show case my abilities as a hard surface modeler. I made the body using planes and refinished in ZBrush.

Self Critique:
I still have to Finish Do of the detail for it, but all of his parts are definitely accurate and have the right proportions.


I creates this character inspired by Gears of War. ti represents a warrior ork. I Never finish his hole body but it was a fun project.

Self Critic:
I have to review some of his Anatomy and finish his body. I made him fro a Z sphere and retopo his body in Maya. i have to be careful with his anatomy since it is a fictional character.


I created this Mech  character after watching District 9. I this concept I applied all my mechanicla knowledge. It was challenging at  the beginning but when it s coming together I was satisfied with the results. 

 Self Critique:
I model all the parts in Maya using different components techniques. Finally I reshaped some of the forms in Zbrush to add more contrast. I never got to finish it with all the detail in the legs. But I really need to texture it.


This character was made for a cinematic call Extraction. I learned  a lot constructing this character, I had to thing about all the suit mechanics and inner parts.

Self Critique:
This was my first industry level character. i built all his parts in Maya and all the detail in Zbrush. I still need to play I little more more with the shapes and te face anatomy. But overall is a strong character design.


This character was made with the intention of introducing something cartoonist into my portfolio. I model the character base in a small concept that I had created in pen and paper.

Self Critique:
I model his hole Z Sculpt in a day. everything was made in Maya and I added some final touches in zbrush using Dybamesh. I definitely like how playful the his proportions are.But I I still have touch up his nose and lips a Bit. Finally I will like to texture him with photoshop.


This mask concept was created for a cinematic production that never got finish. The base concept was made for an environment were there is a mayor scarcity of oxygen.

Self- Critique:
I model the girl in Zbrush and created her mask with dinamesh. Overall the proportions are right . But I still have to do some mayor adjustments to the body. I really like the circular shapes in the mask.


 Description: The vehicle is a two-door sedan powered by a naturally aspirated mid-mounted V12 engine. It is intended to be a car for people who enjoy going on road trips with friends or family, but also like the feeling of driving a sports car.

Self Critique:
This car was create to show may hard surface modeling techniques in Maya and ZBrush. I definitely work hard on this one trying to all the possible detail. Overall is a grat model but I need to texture and render to show the final product.


This Z sculpt was made for a super hero challenge hosted by CG Hub. His mash was made in ZBrush and retopo in Maya. i till need to add his final touches in Zbrush and Photoshop.

Self- Critique:
The anatomy in this character is accurate. I try to add a lot of detail in his upper torso. I still need to do some more work in pants and hands to get to the level I want. I will finally texture him in ZBrush.

Antarctic Sniper

I model this character after after watching the movie Shooter. Since I have a Passion with Sci fi, I decided to make him more futuristic. The sniper was model in Z Brush R2, taking advantage of the new hard surface modeling tools.

Self- Critique:
This ZBrush sculpt is definitely one of my favorites. I learned  a lot making it. I still need to touch up the anatomy on the faces and work more with the clothes his wearing. Finally I have to re-topo this character and texture him in Photoshop.


This character represent my passion for villains in comic book stories. I also wanted to show my human anatomy modeling skills. I made his structure in Maya and refined the mesh in ZBrush.

the anatomy of the character is pretty accurate. I still need to retouch some of the forms but,  I am happy the results. I definitely have to texture and render him.