Friday, March 8, 2013

4.1 Researching Resources

For my gendering resources website, I have chosen  CGHub. A community full of resources of today’s video game industry; where artists can network  about their careers, look for jobs , access to  information to new technologies and share their art work.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ethics of Character and Personality

Ethics of Character and Personality
Understanding these two branches of ethics, which that conform part of my self-development, will help me learn how to expand my artistic concepts to a new level of interaction. It will also help me to keep track of my objectives and goals, which will allow me to have more experience to obtain a higher end position in the job market in the near future. 

Ethics of Character
To me Ethics of Character is guide to know that I am on the right track to pursue my goals and dreams in the professional field of computer animation. It also helps me to set up goals to expand my designing techniques and concept development of my three-dimensional art to new horizons.
Ethics of Personality
Ethics of Personality helps me to constantly challenge myself as a human being with various tasks to develop and improve my sets of skills. This will allows me in a near future to meet and achieve my objectives with different types of social groups.


Overall in most of my work, I try to concentrate and analyze 3 mayor key points (concept development, visualization, and presentation or rendering). The problem that I see in my work as a 3d modeler, is that most of the 3d sculpts are lacking color, texturing, and their respective pipeline development.


Character Concept

Power Suit WIP

Head WIP